If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be?

From Jordan Peterson to Marilyn Monroe to a grandfather, here are the 14 answers to the question, If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?
- Jordan Peterson
- Steve Irwin
- Nelson Mandela
- Milton Friedman
- Elon Musk
- Alert Einstein
- Nikola Tesla
- Marilyn Monroe
- Isaac Newton
- Marie Curie
- Agatha Christie
- Anne Frank
- Cleo Abram
Jordan Peterson
Jordan Peterson is a prolific author, clinical psychologist, and YouTube personality with one of the sharpest minds that one can listen to. The intellectual is such a polished thinker and full to the brim with knowledge, all combined with his calculated demeanor and all-encompassing perspectives.
Peterson is widely known for his cultural views and extremely thought-provoking takes on life in general. His teachings and knack of having listeners cling to his words would certainly make dinner with him insightful and intriguing to say the least.

Steve Irwin
As someone who heads a company focusing on animal health, I would most like to have dinner with a personal hero of mine, Steve Irwin. Crikey! His “Crocodile Hunter” show completely changed my perspective on animals growing up. Before Steve, everyone I knew was repulsed by “icky” and “dangerous” animals like snakes and bugs and crocodiles. We would basically see these creatures as our enemies, but Steve brought out the beauty and wonder of all these unconventional animals. Even more importantly, he conveyed with such passion the necessity and duty to preserve them and take care of nature. No one has impacted the cause of conservation in my life more than Steve, and was a huge influence on me on the direction my life went.

Nelson Mandela
Dinner with Nelson Mandela would likely be an inspiring, educational evening filled with life lessons. Mandela once said, “A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.” His life bore witness to that quote. Often called, by South Africans, “The Father of the Nation '' Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize after being imprisoned for 27 years, ending Apartheid, establishing a foundation that continues to combat poverty as well as HIV/Aids and serving as the nation’s first black head of state! Enlightenment would seem to be the only outcome of an evening spent in conversation with Mandela!

Milton Friedman
Milton Friedman came from the Chicago School of economics. He was a Nobel Prize winner and an expert in his field. He was known as one of the most influential advocates of free-market capitalism and monetarism, spoke in plain English, and had conversations with people across the political spectrum. What I like most about him is his ability to speak from a position of empathy when describing his ideas.
I would enjoy hearing his take on how people's views have changed over the last 50 years based on real-world outcomes, and what he might prioritize today. People have varying beliefs about the economy and the balance between government regulations and the free market. These fluctuate over time and it would be fascinating to get his perspective.

Elon Musk
Elon Musk is an icon of modern innovation. His technological breakthroughs have forever changed the way we view technology, from electric vehicles to space exploration. For this reason, Elon Musk would be my top pick for a dinner companion. I know that Elon’s ideas about the future are radical and far-reaching, and I would love to pick his brain over roast beef and potatoes.
Besides Elon’s impressive range of knowledge about engineering, there is something special in what Elon does that stands out to me: Elon cares deeply about making the world a better place by developing products capable of addressing humanity's most pressing challenges. It would be fascinating to hear Elon discuss his thoughts on the current state of affairs over dinner!

Alert Einstein
Einstein was a brilliant scientist and mathematician who made significant contributions to the fields of physics and mathematics. I would love the opportunity to discuss his theories and ideas with him, as well as learn more about his life and his thoughts on the whole world at war.
Additionally, I think I will find it interesting to hear his perspective on the current state of science, technology, war, and what he thinks we should be focusing on in the future. Overall, I believe that having dinner with Einstein would be an incredibly enriching and educational experience.

Nikola Tesla
I would not pass on an opportunity to have dinner with Nikola Tesla. He is one of the greatest thinkers to ever lived who never got an opportunity to share his full potential and vast knowledge with the world. I believe he would have so much of revolutionary ideas to share. His ideas were sometimes considered crazy and impossible, but that only fuelled his brilliance and exposed the crowd's ignorance that dismissed him. Having a sit-down with him will give me a chance to marvel at his brilliance and elevate my perception of things and life as a whole.

Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe would be at the top of my list. She was a major sex symbol back in her day and changed the way we view femininity and beauty in the industry. She was a role model to young women and inspired them to work hard and anything is achievable. Her confidence and talent are still influencing women in the modern day and it would be an honor to discuss her iconic history.

Isaac Newton
The last magician of this world and one of the greatest scientists ever born, I would love to have dinner with Isaac Newton and hear his story. He was an incredibly talented individual, making groundbreaking contributions to the scientific world.
From his masterpiece Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica to discovering the laws of motion and the universal law of gravitation, Newton's discoveries are still considered to be some of the greatest in history. Not only was he a great scientist but also an accomplished alchemist, theologian and philosopher.
For centuries, Newton has been remembered as a genius, and I would love to pick his brain and get a unique understanding of how the world works.

Marie Curie
I’d love to have dinner with Marie Curie. This persistent, smart, and unstoppable woman has always been my greatest inspiration. For me, her whole life was a perfect example of what ownership means. I’m impressed not only by her incredible achievements but also growing up in an intellectual family, passion for science, and caring personality.Curie had taken “girl power” to a whole new level long before it became popular. She was the first person to win two Nobel Prizes and the first female professor at Sorbonne University. Her discovery of radium and polonium hugely contributed to finding treatments for cancer. At the same time, she was a mother and wife. Hungry for life, in love with science, and taking ownership of all her actions. I’m sure she’d be a great person to meet.

Agatha Christie
If I could have dinner with anyone, I would have dinner with Agatha Christie. I am a huge admirer of hers. I have read her books since I was a kid. Even as an adult, I can't stop reading them. I have this wish to collect all of her books. So, it will be a tremendous pleasure to dine with her.
By talking with her, I would like to know more about her. I would observe how she talks, what things she favors, and what she dislikes. It will be so fascinating to see her in person. I would love to speak with her about her books. I would request to share some unknown facts behind writing them.

Anne Frank
I would like to have a conversation with her not about her general experiences. Although they played a major role in bringing her forward in history, I would like to know more about how writing helped her beyond the trauma.
I feel a dinner would be a nice setting to get the conversation started. Of course, I would steer clear of any sensitive topics. But, I was often impressed by how the power of her storytelling had caused an important reveal of fact in history. Hers was one of the first stories I read in the common people's history.
Sometimes, I feel she wasn't able to express everything she wanted in her books. That is why for an in-depth connection to be formed, I feel a slow conversation can help me figure out how she did it.

Cleo Abram
I consider TikTok journalist Cleo Abram to be a master innovator for her compelling approach to journalism, so it would be a pleasure to have dinner with her to pick her brain. Abram is an exceptional journalist with over 1 million followers. She is a technology reporter who’s produced wildly popular series around topics like NFTs, science, crypto, and space. She has a knack for telling engaging stories while delivering insightful content.Cleo Abram has commanded a large and loyal audience by offering quality content, exceptional insight, and refined perspectives on the tech industry and is one of the most innovative journalists, and content creators on social media. Having dinner with such a person is sure to help me expand my perspectives on business, creativity, and innovation.

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